Saturday, January 19, 2013

Goal Setting For 2013

The year 2012 is now over. You may be thinking of what you want to achieve for yourself in 2013. But do you know how to go about setting your Internet business goals in such a way that you won’t be overwhelmed?

Here are few simple things to remember before you go about the business of Internet goal setting.

1. Clarity of your goal.

Remember that diamonds, more than their cut, are greater prized and treasured for their clarity. Diamonds with yellow, blue and green hues are only alluring. But 'alluring' is not what you want when it comes to your Internet goals. What you want and what you need is a business plan that is crystal clear from the onset. A clear and concise business plan (big or small) will provide a guide for your every day actions, a map of where you are and where you are going so that you can drive your plan to success. With a good business plan in place all of the components within your Internet business can run smoothly and, if you planned it well, in the direction you want it to go.

2. Keep it Realistic

Come up with a goal that is doable and results oriented, it can be how much you will earn, how many visitors you get to your site, how many articles you will write this week or how many subscribers you get. The fact is all of these are inseparably tied to your success. An important point here is DO NOT bite off more than you can chew or you will get bogged down, lose interest, and finally give up, not a good PLAN. Remember, that there are websites all across the net every week that have folded or are on the decline. There are many reasons to explain why such situations happen, but, hey, if you base everything on talk and no action, then you honestly won't get anywhere. Go for something, anything that is well thought out and work and then Make It Happen. You will have something that you actually created and proudly present it to the world.

3. Put it into writing.

Decide where your business should be in the next year. Effective business goal setting needs to be detailed and put into writing. This will give you a concrete basis for further review and improvement in the future. It will also save you from having to grope through your memory for the ideas you came up with during one of those 'eureka' moments.

4. Use active words.

Active words are not only for writers; they should also work perfectly with your business goal. Do not use passive words and passive sentences because these will give you the feeling of indirect responsibility. Do say: “My website will capture this particular market by the middle of next year”, and not: “This particular market will be captured by my website by the middle of next year”. Breathe action into your words to give life to your business goals.

5. Come up with smaller goals to complement your biggest one.

The smaller goals will help you achieve the ultimate goal by providing the step by step actions leading to the ultimate plan. By doing this, you will also see more clearly the initial errors inherent with an imperfect plan. In the process, you will know what actions are effective and what are not.

6. Interact and collaborate with people who share your niche.

They may not share your concept on how to do things but if these people share your vision, they will at least give you alternative routes in reaching your goal. These alternative routes represent their own view of Internet success and their belief in the things they are doing, try them out, you might find a better way of doing the things to make you successful. One way is to interact with people who have the same interests and work in the same niche as you is by joining one of the many forums available to anyone.

This process will give you the chance to improve the skills you have and maybe pick up a few new ones along the way, remember knowledge is power. And, of course, take regular reviews of your plan or business goals. Do some revisions if needed, depending on the small changes that you encounter as your plan unfolds. And should there be changes, big or small, accept them wholeheartedly, embrace them, this is what effective business goal setting is all about.

Here's a small free E-book that may help you get started, it's not fancy but it works

Creating Your Business Plan

Sunday, January 13, 2013

"The 5 Problems Everyone Has When Starting An Internet Business - And How To Solve Them"

As we all know starting an Internet business from scratch can be a very scary and difficult prospect. But with the right training and tools literally anyone can do it.

So here are the 5 problems everyone has when staring an Internet business — and how "Beginner's Guide To A New Internet Business" can help get through these in a logical simple way.

1. I don't know where to start.

This is probably the biggest obstacle to anyone first thinking of the Internet as a part time or full time income stream. With the "Beginner's Guide To A New Internet Business"  you are shown all the basics needed to get up and running. This will immediately start to make those fears and uncertainty fade and be replaced with a renewed confidence and the return of your excitement that you lost as you began to think you just couldn't do it.

2. I don't have a website.

No problem here, you will be shown how to get a free website that is yours and only yours to apply and sharpen your new skills to generate income.

3. I don't have a product to sell.

Again this is not an obstacle. "Beginner's Guide To A New Internet Business" will show you resources to select the products you want to sell and it won't cost you a dime.

4. I don't know how to promote a product.

There is so much information in the form of training videos and Ebooks that are available that you can learn from and be promoting your products on your own website the first day you start. All of the training is down to earth, practical and in plain language that everyone can really understand what to do and how to do it.And the training is free at "Beginner's Guide To A New Internet Business".

5. I don't have a big budget to start out so how can I get things rolling.

With this educational site there is no fee for membership and no additional costs for anything. You can of course (at your choice) spend some additional money on advertising and extras to send your business to the next level but you don't need to do this to learn all the basics and start earning cash with just the basics. And all this training info is FREE.

So that's it, if you really want to get started there is no better place with such simple training, that can take you from a dream only in your mind to the reality of having your own money making website.

Learn more ..

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Review #1 - PLR Content

NOTHING is more frustrating than NOT being able to join the ranks of top Internet Marketers simply owing to your lack of ability, expertise and tools. If this situation sounds very familiar to you (maybe because you're in it right now), then read on.

I want to share my views on another product I came across and again, as usual I approached it with a healthy scepticism, but to my pleasant surprise I found another winner. People are naturally hungry for information, and this, is a veritable feast. The information and saleable products here are extremely good and very abundant. With this "tool / product" the average person can learn and earn at the same time .. what a deal. I'm not exaggerating, in fact I'm probably understating what you get. Even if you never promote or sell any of these products, the information contained in the products can start you off if you're new to this, or, it can take you to another level if you are already up and running. No bull ... this is a great site and everything is very professionally done.

At the Silver membership level (which is FREE) you have access to 166 E-books, with master resale rights, 2319 Niche articles, with private label rights (plus 20 new ones every month) and 155 pre-made Adsense sites, with master resale rights, and 65 with private label rights (plus 1 new one every month). What more could you want at a price everyone can afford - FREE. and there's much more.

You can upgrade to a Gold membership at any time with a greater variety of content rich material at a very reasonable cost ($24.95 /month).

An enormous amount of information and variety is available in these E-books and articles. If you submit articles to a site such as Ezine or other high profile articles submission site (and you better be doing that if you want traffic to your site) then PLR Content will provide you with fresh new material on an ongoing basis for any niche that you may be involved in now or want to get into. Writing articles and adding new content for your website can be very difficult and time consuming. Just trying to come up with new ideas or concepts is sometimes very frustrating as I'm sure you can understand if you own a website of any kind. Fresh content and article writing is an absolute must to keep your site up front in the search engines and will drive traffic to the place you need it to go .. your website.

I've only listed some of the benefits available, for more complete information click here and have a look for yourself.


Master Resale Rights (MRR) - This means someone who purchases the product from you can also sell the products and keep 100% of the profits. Even if you have the Master Resale Rights for a product, you will need to see if there are any other restrictions on the product. Some products with Master Resale Rights can not be given away, can not be put in paid membership sites, or sold in an auction site.

Private Label Rights (PLR) - This is by all means the higher rights. With this right you can almost do anything you want to do with your product. I say almost because most of the Private Label Rights products can not be given away for free. You can edit the content, combine it with other products, break it down into smaller parts, use it as your website content, edit the sales letter, put on new images, etc. etc. Most PLR products are non-transferable, meaning you can't give the PLR rights to your buyer. So look at specific restrictions on the PLR when you get products with these rights.

Each e-Book or article will be supplied with a licence document that spells out exactly what you can do with it, give it away, sell it or just use the content yourself.

Just an amazing amount of information. A wide variety of content which every Internet marketer should know in order to be a success. No cost for Silver Membership and only  You choose but even at the Silver Level level there is simply so much information it just amazed me when I looked at it myself. I have the Silver level membership myself (I'm thrifty) and use these E-books and articles myself and they really deliver on their promise. All E-books and articles are down loadable, and depending on the licence you can customize the products to make them your own and sell them as your own product at 100% profit on every sale.

Again it's hard to find fault with this one but I guess I would say that this product as presented has so much information you will need to dedicate some of your time to go through all the information. There is such a wealth of material it requires some discipline to get through and develop. Make no mistake you will need some degree of dedication to make your mark on the Internet. Any way you look at it if you aren't willing to work at it then this is just not for you, quit now and save yourself the effort. But I suspect that since you are reading this right now you are already willing to do what it takes to succeed, so why not give yourself the tools to do it.

Silver Membership - Free
Gold Membership - $24.95 / month

If you're looking for real website and Blog content and easily saleable products to promote on your site most of the the work is done for you, so you can start earning right out of the box with no or little experience and no need to create anything yourself.

To learn more about getting some serious knowledge and earn some serious cash by using the knowledge and tips provided click here.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Internet Money Making Programs ... The Real Truth

I really wanted to create this blog because I was sick and tired of the emails, pop-ups and links that offered an amazing amount of income in an amazingly short time. The real and sad truth is, that there exists on the web, a very small percentage of "Internet Money Making" programs that are legitimate and deliver on their promise (about 2% actually). But when you consider the number of websites to choose from on the internet (nearly 50 billion - that's BILLION in the last quarter of 2012) there are still some good choices. Of course not all websites are internet income related so the actual number of those is hard to determine but you get the idea. Lots of websites, lots of scams and some legitimate, honest winners.

I found out about scams the hard way and believe me it happened more than once. I'm sure you've seen these claims, maybe you've bought into one of them, I certainly did. They typically claim that you can ... "Make (fill in your own amount here) a week, and more, no experience necessary, limited time, offer ends tomorrow at midnight, limited positions available, buy my program now and in minutes you'll be raking in millions" ... and you know the worst part is that they were all scams and they took my money and I ended up with a lot of useless information and "programs" that didn't show me anything but an empty wallet. I got sucked in more times than I would like to admit until I found my way, actually I stumbled, onto a great site and program that until recently (it's no longer available) was still providing great insight.

It's important to me that I tell you this, because I didn't give up, I did find some products that work for me and for many others as well. Also I don't want a single one of you to be taken to the cleaners one more time with some useless ebook or Guru generated crap.

Oh ... and that program I have learned so much from that's no longer available on the Internet .. it was the "Profit Lance Income System" and although you will find negative reviews about this program it was a very solid learning tool, but for some it wasn't fast enough at making money. This was not a quick fix for making money, that's true. But it was an excellent learning tool and provided a good base from which many internet marketing careers were launched. You actually could make money with it , and I did, it wasn't a high intensity money grab, just real honest training.

So my point is this ... don't give up, don't stop looking for your place on the web. There is real opportunity to be found and I'll do my best to help you find your way to your future.

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